Skyscrapers Cities Columbus One Nationwide Plaza

Height485 feet

About One Nationwide Plaza

One Nationwide Plaza is a 40-story skyscraper in Columbus, Ohio that is the headquarters of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. It is part of the complex of buildings known as Nationwide Plaza. Nationwide outgrew its famous 246 Building by the 1970s and work began on a new headquarters for the company. In 1977, the 146 m (485 ft) building was completed. The building is located at the corner of N. High Street and what is now Nationwide Blvd. on the northern edge of downtown Columbus, Ohio. The name reflects its street address, since the building's front entrance is off its own Nationwide Plaza drive. The building was designed by Brubaker/Brandt, which also designed Rhodes State Office Tower, the tallest building in Columbus. The facade is dark vertical steel ribs bordered by white limestone ends. At night, it is lighted with blue spotlights, mimicking the blue box logo of Nationwide Mutual Insurance. A restaurant on the top floor of the building lasted many years called One Nation, but ended its run in the mid 90's. .

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