Skyscrapers Cities Chicago The Illinois

Height5280 feet

About The Illinois

The Mile High Illinois, Illinois Sky-City, or simply The Illinois was a proposed mile-high (1,609 meters/5,280 feet) skyscraper, envisioned by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1956. The design, intended to be built in Chicago, would have included 528 stories, with a gross area of 18.46 million square feet (1.71 million square meters/171 hectares). Had it been built, it would be the tallest building in the world. This is arguably the most famous of the semi-serious visionary buildings meant to be an alternative to the increasing urban sprawl occurring in most cities. None of these has ever been viewed as financially feasible. The design of the Burj Khalifa tower is said to have been inspired by that of The Illinois. Wright believed that it would have been technically possible to construct such a building even at the time it was proposed. At the time, the tallest skyscraper in the world was New York's Empire State Building, at less than a quarter the height suggested for the Illinois. It probably would have been possible to erect a self-supporting steel structure of the required height, but there are a number of problems which occur when a building is that tall.

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